Patrons Circle

“FIMM is a unique festival that brings together top musicians from around the world, in an amazing setting that is Marvão, and with a particular touch of intimacy and friendship”






Launched in 2017, the Patrons Circle is open to passionate individuals who wish to contribute in a meaningful way to the flourishing of the Festival and Marvão.

Through joining the Patrons Circle, you will help FIMM to become one of the leading classical music Festivals in the world, a symbol of pride for Portugal, and a beacon of understanding, beauty and multi-national cooperation through the Arts.

In return for your support, you will enjoy unparalleled access to the artists behind the Festival, as well as unique insights into the Festival’s future plans. Membership starts from €500 per year.



IBAN PT50 0035 0444 00005724830 04

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Why supporting the festival as a Patron?

Each Festival is the result of enormous amounts of passion, dedication and hard work – but it can only thrive through securing a stable financial future. That’s why we are happy and immensely grateful to have passionate individuals in our Patrons Circle who wish to contribute in a meaningful way to the flourishing of the Festival and Marvão. They are helping FIMM to become one of the leading classical music Festivals in the world, a symbol of pride for Portugal, and a beacon of understanding, beauty and multi-national cooperation through the Arts.


How to become a Patron?

We hope the festival can count on your presence next summer, and on your support as a Patron.
Have a look at the specific benefits of each formula, and let us know what formula you would like to sign up for next year!
This can be done by filling up the online subscription form.

To be sure that we can guarantee your privileged seats during the Festival, that you receive our communications, news about the Festival or be invited to any related event, we would appreciate to receive your preference and payment in advance.


The more the merrier

We would be happy to welcome not only you but also your family & friends, so we can extend our Circle with more music lovers. It is true that we are looking for more patrons so our festival can become more sustainable, and we can enjoy it together for many many years to come. Feel free to share the brochure with your network, or pass the contacts to us, and we will be happy to reach out to them!


Useful links

• The Patrons Circle: Patrons Circle – all information
• The Patrons sign-up form: Patrons Circle – subscription form



Katrien Buys



Patrons Circle Brochure
Download here
Sign up for the Patrons Circle
Download here


Rita Blumenthal & Dr. Dierk Stemmler
Dr. Christa & Christian Ratjen
Thomas Sterchi
The Jat Family
The Park Family


Gabriela Haffner & Götz Bierling
Rosemarie Keller & Götz Hartmann
Birgit Heinen
Cláudia & Miguel Villax


Luci & Simon Eyers
Marie-Jo Schmitt
Carel & Marie-Louise Oosterloo
Felix Mauser
Diane Villax
Vera Mauser
Orquídea & Pedro Fonseca
Reinhard Elger
The Moreira Family


Luís Pedro Duarte
Steven Braekeveldt
Bert & Katrien Van Rillaer-Buys
Margrit Stickelberger & Hansjuergen Warnecke
Isabelle Fischer
Terry Hamill
Konstanze & Helmy Abouleish
Christine Bindert
Susanna Tocca
Bruno Pereira
Charlotte Raab & Manuel de Miranda
Julia & Peter Boyles
Pierre Baltassat
José Luís & Teresa Maria Catarino
Deborah Harris & Vincenzo Fiore
Christina & Guy Villax
Inge & Harald Bardenhagen
Heidrun & Dr. Theodor Römer
Christoph Biemann & Sabine Ennulath
Rembert & Andrea Gerretsen Biemond
Marina Bastos & José Arêde
Vera Nobre da Costa
Penelope & James Vaudoyer
Sofia Villax


Hildegart Börner & Oliver Börner-Hack
Hubertus Carls & Greti Kompatscher
Sylvie Gauthey & Peter Boerner
Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
Zeynep & Dennis Redmont
Eva Blumrath-Götze
Anna Duhnkrack-Schleicher
Susanne Fromme & Dr. Winfried Heinen
Sibylle & Martin Gemeinhardt
Isabel Monteiro
Gustavo & Ana Filipa Barreto
Ina & Hermann Lynders
Edgar Pinho

Buy tickets FIMM 2025

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